AGG Talks: Background Screening
Our podcast series features AGG colleagues and guests discussing business and legal issues and developments related to the Background Screening industry. HR professionals, employers, consumer reporting agencies and other information companies can stay updated on trends affecting the workplace, compliance with the FCRA and other laws that impact background screening and learn background check strategies and best practices to help mitigate risk and protect their business.
5 episodes
What is FCRA Preemption, and Why Should You Care?
In this episode, AGG partner and co-chair of the firm’s Background Screening industry team, Henry R. Chalmers, provides insights on the FCRA’s preemption of state laws and why this...
Season 1
Episode 5
Ban the Box and Fair Chance Hiring Laws: The Year in Review
In this episode, AGG partner and co-chair of the firm’s Data Privacy Practice, Kevin L. Coy, and Data Privacy associate, Erin E. ...
Season 1
Episode 4
A Refresher on Responding to Consumer File Requests under Section 609 of the FCRA
What is a CRA required to do when consumers request copies of their files? And what can prevent a consumer from suing if a CRA’s response does not comply with Section 609 of the FCRA? In this episode, AGG partner and co-chair of the firm’s Back...
Season 1
Episode 3
Redaction of Identifiers by the Courts Update, Breaking News from California
In this episode, AGG partner and co-chair of the Background Screening industry team, Montserrat C. Miller, provides an update to a prior podcast on redaction of identifiers by t...
Season 1
Episode 2
Redaction of Identifiers by the Courts in Michigan and California Pose Challenges for Background Checks
The Michigan Supreme Court has ordered Dates of Birth (DOBs) to be redacted when releasing court records, which will make background checks involving Michigan court records more difficult. While the effective date for this change was recently d...
Season 1
Episode 1